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  • lucycarolryan

Being human is anything but easy. I’m here to help you.

How are you living your life? Take a few moments to reflect on what you like and dislike about your life. Are these things changeable or fixable? Changing just a few aspects of your life can create a ripple effect, making every other aspect improved as well!


New Moon in Leo [8-8-2021]

New Moon’s are all about new starts or beginnings. The New Moon in Leo is a great time to set goals for ourselves. For thousands of years the Lion’s Gate Portal has known to happen on the eighth day of the eighth month. The gateway is marked by the alignment of the earth and Sirius, which is the brightest star we can see. The time of the portal is known to allow a flowing of energy between the physical and spiritual worlds, or however you may interpret it. With this being said, this week is a great time to manifest, set intentions, and to connect with your Higher Self (or a higher being). Taking time to really breathe and just learning to be is very important at this time, for the world is an overwhelming place.


Daily technology detox

Technology is the best and the worst thing to happen to humanity. Using it properly can effect your mental and physical health.

What do you do when you get bored around the house? You typically will reach for your phone, the easiest distraction. There are so many other healthy and fulfilling routes to take other than your phone! Simply doing some stretches, meal prepping, journaling, time with your pet, or even tidying around the house are all amazing things to do with your boredom. By taking this little step of not reaching for your phone, you have created time for productivity, reflection, and movement. All those things you say you don’t have time for, or are too busy for, can be done by simply practicing technology detox in your everyday life.

Anyone who uses social media has more than likely noticed themselves comparing themselves to someone or something. In your mind your thinking about how great everyone else lives look and why yours isn't great too. You are basing your life on a tiny little box on your phone screen! Taking a detox from your phone, simply for an hour, can reset your mind to focus on what is actually important to YOU and YOUR life, not anyone else's.

  • Setting time limits for the apps on your phone is an easy way to practice this. It helps you to be aware of how much time you are spending on social mediator your phone. It also helps to remind you to dedicate time off the screen.


The true meaning of "self-care"

When most people hear the words "self-care", they think of face masks, journaling, taking a relaxing bath, or hydrating. While these thing are amazing to do, I believe there is a deeper truth to self-care. Self-care should be something you practice everyday! This is not about if you take care of yourself, but how you take care of yourself. Checking in on yourself mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually EVERYDAY is when you will start to see your life do a complete flip. Doing so, tuning in, we can become more aware of our different needs depending on our current situation or day. Being consistent with "check-ins" helps to rejuvenate day in and day out.

Self care looks different for every individual. For one it could be going on a daily leisurely walk. For another, self care could be setting boundaries, and learning that it’s okay to say no. No matter who you may be, taking a leisurely walk or setting boundaries, we all have toxic habits that can easily be turned into healthier mechanisms. Instead of going to the bar and possibly binging because you have had a hard day, invite some friends over for a movie or game night (with maybe a glass of wine).

Try to form the habit of checking in with yourself and becoming aware of what your mind and body tells you that it needs. Are you feeling drained around a specific friend? Try re-evaluating this friendship. Are you stressed because you missed your workout class because your alarm didn't go off? Try incorporating any kind of movement into your day (i.e. taking the long way to class).


Weekly Affirmations

“You might consider affirmations to be unrealistic ‘wishful thinking.’ But try looking at positive affirmations this way: many of us do repetitive exercises to improve our physical health, and affirmations are like exercises for our mind and outlook. These positive mental repetitions can reprogram our thinking patterns so that, over time, we begin to think – and act – differently.”

  • I am the architect of my life, I build its foundation and choose its contents.

  • My body is healthy; my mind is brilliant; my soul is tranquil.

  • I have been given endless talents which I begin to utilize today.

  • Creative energy surges through me and leads me to new and brilliant ideas.

  • Today, I abandon my old habits and take up new, more positive ones.

  • I use my time wisely, for it is valuable.

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