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  • lucycarolryan


Today I moved into my first apartment. What does that feel like? Rushed, odd, stressful, exciting, new, unreal, emotional all at once. To say college life isn't for me is about as real as it can get. But what am I doing here? College.


"SEC College Experience"

Some move across the country, or world, to gain the SEC College Experience. Sororities, Beer, Fraternities, Spray tans, rowdy fans, football, bars, walking to class, and so much more. I am not here to say that there is anything wrong with this lifestyle, but growing up around the SEC I personally feel stuck being surrounded by this lifestyle. I am not a night person, making it a rare occurrence that I will stay up past 1 a.m. I don't care if Alabama beats UTK again, or if the Florida Gators demolish us. In my eyes, anything and everything is just an excuse to get intoxicated to the maximum potential. Personally, I would rather spend my time doing something more productive, or something that nourishes, not destroys my body.

Freshman year of college, in the middle of a pandemic and election, all the while being stuck in a tiny dorm due to online school. At this point, anyone would do anything to get out and have some fun, which we did. This "fun" I was trying to have and trying to be for other people brought me to one of my lowest points. Sitting in the stairwell of the dorm building curled up in a ball crying my eyes out is one way to explain how I felt. I hated the lifestyle. I hated the dorm. I hated everything. I missed my dog, my cat, my mom, my brother, and my bed. Second semester was better. I started to heal myself and do what was best for me at heart. I started to stay in most nights, go to the park more often, journal, and focus on me, for me. I started to feel more myself again, with light shining in my eyes. I continued to work towards being my best self, making this past summer break amazing for my mental health. Now, I am back in Knoxville and anxious as ever, but I am a different person with a different mindset this time around. School, working, staying healthy physically and mentally is what is most important to me now. Will I occasionally go out for a bit with my friends, of course. Once again, I am not saying anything is wrong with this SEC life, but it is not for everyone and is not for me.


Easy Ways to Save Money Daily in College

Money can bring so much happiness and so much sadness. Living as a college student, your bills start to stack up more. Paying for your rent, groceries, gas, electricity, and nights out. There are many way you can save money daily!

To start off, really evaluating your needs and your wants can impact your financials greatly. Do you really need that expensive Starbucks drink, or that cute skirt? The answer is most likely no. Another easy way to save some money is to not eat out! Learning to cook is important task in college. What you pay at a restaurant for a meal could easily be used for groceries that will provide you with three home-cooked meals. Eating what you cook is also always the healthier option, knowing exactly what is going into your food. Bars are also one of the money sucking aspects of college. Charging anywhere from $5 to $15 for a singular drink. Drink smarter, not harder!

Making these little changes with money everyday will add up and make a big difference.



The Moon is waxing this week, which is usually considered favorable for new beginnings, with exceptions. There will be a window for opportunity on Tuesday, August 17th, from approximately 2:20 PM to 9:40 PM EDT while the Moon enters Sagittarius. With the moon in Sagittarius, an optimist outlook may overcome your mind, making you possible feel happier. Your desire to get out and communicate could become stronger, even among introverts. With the moon and the sun in a fire sign, you can be feeling more intuitive, sociable, or be easily up for discussion on sharing insights.


Weekly Affirmations

  • The World Wants Me To Be Myself.

  • I Strive To Be My Better Self.

  • I Enjoy The Blessings I Get From Being Myself.

  • I Want Real Connections, So I Be My Real Self.

  • I am strong enough to make my own decisions.

  • I deserve to feel joy.

  • I’m courageous and stand up for myself.

  • I’m in charge of my life and no one will dictate my path besides me.

  • I’m worthy of respect and acceptance.

  • I attract abundance into my life.

  • When I allow my light to shine, I unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

  • I let go of all that no longer serves me.

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